Formatting & Configuration
Accessing the configuration options
Once you have dragged in some data fields to the visual, you will be able to configure the map. To do this, click on the visual to select it.
Depending on your Power BI setup, you may need to click the formatting icon, and then click the "More options" button:
which will display the formatting options on the side of Power BI Desktop:
In other Power BI setups, the above set may not be possible, and the settings will appear as follows:
Configuration option categories
Background Layer
This determines the background map. In this section you can choose which background mapping service to use with Icon Map Pro. A range of background maps are included with the visual, or you can choose to use a third party or your own provider. Icon Map Pro also support using an image as a background, often used for indoor maps.
The options toggles between traditional rendering of the maps, or WebGL Rendering. WebGL rendering may provide additional configuration options and improved performance, but some capabilities are not available in this mode. In future releases this section will also include additional options such as 3D mode and 3D terrain.
Overlays / Reference Layers
Overlays and reference layers are generally static layers which don't provide interaction options for the user. They provide additional context to the map.
Data Layers
Data layers are the objects drawn on the map that are sourced or linked to the Power BI data. They can be selected and filtered and formatted based on Power BI data.
Many items in the data layers also allow attaching a text label to them. This section allows configuration of data-bound labels.
These are the interactively options for controlling and understanding the map. They include the zoom controls and scale.
These options control the whole map and include zooming, limiting the map to a specific area, the default start position, and animation.
Controls interactivity of the map when items are selected, or cross-highlighted from other visuals.
API Keys & Authentication
Setup authentication of third party background and overlay services.
Icon Map Pro
Contains information about the visual such as the version number, debug information to assist support, and configuration of the license key for environments that don't support user based licensing such as when embedded in a custom web portal.