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Release History and Future Releases

History of Icon Map Pro feature releases and bug fixes

New features are added here as they are implemented prior to release. As described below, you can download pre-release versions to beta test functionality before release to AppSource.

Whilst "planned" features may be beta tested by downloading the version linked here, features may not yet be fully tested or have documentation available.

Version NumberDateNotes development (Anticipated Mid-Late October)
  • Added the ability to provide custom gradient and rule formatting to GeoJSON / Shapefile data bound layers to exceed the 30000 row limit with Power BI conditional formatting
  • Improved the matching speed for GeoJSON / Shapefile layers with large number of features
  • Fix for issues displaying GeoJSON reference layers loaded from URLs AppSource Publication by Microsoft (Anticipated Mid October)
  • Added support to display an image at the start of a WKT/GeoJSON linestring, as well as at the end
  • Added support for H3 cell indexes supplied as 64bit integers (as well as hex)
  • Fix for data labels preventing lines from rendering
  • Added ability to specify feature property tooltips for reference layers using GL renderer
  • Improvement for detection of settings changed where the map needs to be reinstanciated, such as when the min and max zoom levels of the map are changed
  • Fixed issue affecting cross-highlighting
  • Fixed issue preventing tooltips showing on reference layers for lines and points where GL rendering used AppSource Publication by Microsoft (Anticipated Early October)
  • Added ability to set Mapbox Studio background layer URL via conditional formatting
  • Added ability to apply Power BI formatting to geoJSON/shapefile reference layers based on values in the file
  • Fixed bug preventing all object types from being cross-highlighted from other visuals (filtering was working correctly)
  • Fix for vector tiles unselected formatting options not applying
  • Fix for vector tiles Selectable option not applying
  • Fix for images at end of lines, appearing at the start of lines
  • Fix for line widths not working with conditional formatting
  • Fix for some max zoom settings not working
  • Fix for vector tile layers drawing in wrong order
  • Fix for Maptiler redrawing on every data change
  • Fix for ArcGIS feature layer line transparency not applying
  • Fix to stop invalid H3 cell indexes preventing all H3 cells being rendered. 2024 (Current AppSource Version)
  • Added support for basic authentication for WMS reference layers
  • Added custom parameter option to WMS reference layers
  • Added support for token based authentication sent via HTTP header in WMS reference layers
  • Fix for ArcGIS reference layers not rendering 2024ArcGIS
    • Support for ArcGIS Enterprise (experimental).
    • OAuth2 Authentication for ArcGIS with client ID and secret.
    • Added support for username and password authentication for ArcGIS
    Background Maps
    • Support for custom ArcGIS basemaps.
    Data Layers
    • Added support for data-bound ArcGIS vector tile layers.
    • Added ability to use GeoJSON files hosted in ArcGIS.
    • Added ability to add multiple ArcGIS feature layers
    • Added drill-down capability to ArcGIS feature layers
    • Added ability to specify a SQL WHERE clause to ArcGIS feature layer requests
    • ArcGIS feature layer overlays now use ArcGIS symbology. Data-bound feature layers have formatting option to use ArcGIS symbology.
    • Added ability to surface a specific property from an ArcGIS feature to add it to a Power BI tooltip.
    • Added ability to specify Z-Index for data-bound ArcGIS feature layers.
    • Improved data-bound ArcGIS interactivity when selecting features.
    • Performance improvement for data-bound ArcGIS feature layers.
    Reference Layers
    • Added ability to add SQL WHERE clause to an ArcGIS feature layer
    • Added ability to filter ArcGIS hosted WMS reference layers dynamically using Power BI conditional formatting, using layerDefs or Query filters
    • Added ability to specify ArcGIS token for ArcGIS hosted WMS layers
  • Significantly increased rendering performance with GeoJSON / Shapefile / KML reference layers with WebGL rendering (optional)
  • Updated reference labels. Formatting settings have changed but can now display 10000s of labels without impacting performance (with WebGL rendering - optional)
  • Added support for providing apikey or token authentication for WMS layers
Data Layers
  • Replaced Match Specific Property toggle and textbox with a dropdown containing property names for data-bound GeoJSON layers
  • Added ability to set gradient colors on heatmap layers
  • Added ability to set Z-Index on heatmap layers
  • Added new Heatmap Weight field for heatmap layers
  • Fixed bug with conditional formatting on vector tiles.
  • Fixed bug where right click menus were obscured on vector tile layers and ArcGIS feature layers.
Other Features and Fixes
  • Added ability to drop files and made button more obvious for file upload capabilities.
  • File metadata shown as file is uploaded.
  • Fix for shapefiles geoJSON files with null geometry erroring on upload.
  • Added support for TopoJSON files.
  • Added GeoJSON processing status messages
  • Added error message if no data fields configured.
  • Fix for min and max zoom settings not allowing negative values for image backgrounds.
  • Fixed bug preventing geoJSON / shapefile layers displaying when labels were enabled.
  • Updated to Power BI Visuals API 5.10.0 (Requires June 2024 version of Power BI Desktop) 2024
  • Ability to add multiple data-bound geojson/kml/shapefiles from URLs or uploaded files to the same map and apply different configuration and formatting options to each - including the ability to determine which are visible via conditional formatting and therefore a Power BI data value or slicer. (new maps only)
  • Added ability to add multiple reference layers from ArcGIS and format the layers independently
  • Improved the tooltip functionality for ArcGIS reference layers
  • Added ability to set data-bound vector tile URLs using conditional formatting.
  • Added the ability to add multiple WMS overlay layers with each layer configurable via conditional formatting, including its visibility.
  • Added ability to add multiple raster reference layers, set the URLs and visibility with conditional formatting.
  • Added option to enable animation for zooming and panning around the map when data is sliced or drilled down.
  • Added ability to configure circle radius for data-bound vector tile layers with point data.
  • Added ability to specify the zoom levels where layers are visible to data-bound vector tile layers, circles, images, H3, geoJSON data-bound layers, WKT/GeoJSON, map labels, lines, GeoJSON / KML / Shapefile reference layers, WMS overlays
  • Added ability to allow data-bound vector tile data to be shown at more detailed zoom levels when zooming to a level were tiles do not exist
  • Added ability to specify specific layers to display from data-bound vector tile layers
  • Added ability to specify multiple GeoJson / KML / Shapefile reference layers.
  • Improved data-bound vector tile performance.
  • Added ability to add multiple data-bound vector tile layers
  • Added ability to set vector tile layer URL using conditional formatting
  • Improvements made to make resizing the visual easier.
  • Added new control to show current zoom level
  • Fixed bug preventing GeoJSON files from being imported with a CRS84 property.
  • Fixed bug preventing conditional formatting of setting a WMS overlay URL from applying.
  • Fixed bug where some conditional formatting settings on lines were not applying 2024
  • Added support for images as backgrounds with simple XY coordinates to enable scenarios such as indoor floor plans
  • Added support for CQL filters and specifying styles in WMS overlays
  • Added z-index on additional data layers to allow specific ordering of more layers
  • Added ability to use Power BI conditional formatting instead of range formatting for H3 cells when specified by H3 index
  • Minor tweaks to landing page
  • Improved tolerance for invalid WKT
  • Increased WKT performance
  • Added ability to draw symbols/text on lines and WKT linestrings
  • Added ability to animate dash on lines and WKT linestrings to indicate direction
  • Added ability to show reference labels to GeoJSON/Shapefile/KML reference layers
  • Fixed bug preventing circles displayed when Include in Autozoom set to No
  • Fixed bug where circles were not removed when no longer any in data
  • Fixed bug where setting Selectable to No on Shape files didn't take effect
  • Updated logo in AppSource (will arrive before v1.0.0.3 is available) 2024
  • Bug fix for geoJSON shapes not being matched when the property is numeric
  • Added ability to convert markers to circles for GeoJSON data layers
  • Added close button on popup warning message
  • Added ability to specify color threshold values for H3 cells
  • Bug fix for Mapbox vector layers using globe projection instead of mercator
  • Added splitting of H3 cells that cross the antemeridian
  • Added ability to specify WMS overlay URL and layer name with a DAX expression
  • Added support for alternative coordinate systems for circles, lines, heatmap, h3 cells, images, WKT and GeoJSON objects from data and uploaded GeoJSON files where EPSG specified
  • Improved support for geometry collections in GeoJSON files. 2024Minor improvements for AppSource integration 2024Initial Release

Please note, the version listed in AppSource may not reflect the actual version downloaded. Please check the version listed in the visual's formatting settings:

alt text

Installing a pre-release version

You can download a specific version of Icon Map Pro by clicking on the version number. To test a version of Icon Map Pro before it is live in Microsoft AppSource, please follow the Preview Release guide.