| In Development (Planned for January) | - Added section to provide information to support teams.
- Fixed issue affecting drill-down with vector tiles.
- Fixed bug preventing labels from appearing with vector tiles.
| | Pending Microsoft publishing on AppSource (DELAYED UNTIL MID JANUARY DUE TO AN APPSOURCE ISSUE AT MICROSOFT) | - Added ability to cluster circles by categories (with WebGL rendering)
- Added ability to cluster images by categories (with WebGL rendering)
- Added ability to add circles on ends of lines (with single row of data)
- Added initial support for WebGL rendering with H3
- Added support for tooltips on H3 layers
- Added support for Mapbox map labels as an overlay
- Added ability to remove map labels from Icon Map and Mapbox background maps
- Added support for map labels from all Icon Map background layers
- Added support for Mappable.world background layers
- Fix for mixing circles and shapes on the same map (when not using WebGL rendering for shape layers)
| | November 2024 (Current AppSource Version) | - Added multi-row data labels
- Added ability to set water and background colors for Icon Map background layers
- Attribution is now shown as mouseover for maps where it's too large to show
- Added WebGL rendering option for images providing ability to add hundreds of thousands of images without performance issues
- Added WebGL rendering option for circles
- Added support for WebGL layers with lasso control
- Added support for conditional formatting for datarows past 30000
- Fixed issue with min and max zoom of webGL GeoJSON / Shapefile layers
- Fix for null feature reference values preventing GeoJSON layers from rendering (can be mitigated by enabling WebGL rendering)
| | October 2024 | - Added the ability to provide custom gradient and rule formatting to GeoJSON / Shapefile data bound layers to exceed the 30000 row limit with Power BI conditional formatting
- Improved the matching speed for GeoJSON / Shapefile layers with large number of features
- Added WebGL rendering option for data-bound geojson / shapefile layers
- Improved WebGL rendering for geojson / shapefile reference layers
- Fix for issues displaying GeoJSON reference layers loaded from URLs
- Fix to prevent map from updating additional unnecessary times when no changes
| | October 2024 | - Added support to display an image at the start of a WKT/GeoJSON linestring, as well as at the end
- Added support for H3 cell indexes supplied as 64bit integers (as well as hex)
- Fix for data labels preventing lines from rendering
- Added ability to specify feature property tooltips for reference layers using GL renderer
- Improvement for detection of settings changed where the map needs to be reinstanciated, such as when the min and max zoom levels of the map are changed
- Fixed issue affecting cross-highlighting
- Fixed issue preventing tooltips showing on reference layers for lines and points where GL rendering used
| | October 2024 | - Added ability to set Mapbox Studio background layer URL via conditional formatting
- Added ability to apply Power BI formatting to geoJSON/shapefile reference layers based on values in the file
- Fixed bug preventing all object types from being cross-highlighted from other visuals (filtering was working correctly)
- Fix for vector tiles unselected formatting options not applying
- Fix for vector tiles Selectable option not applying
- Fix for images at end of lines, appearing at the start of lines
- Fix for line widths not working with conditional formatting
- Fix for some max zoom settings not working
- Fix for vector tile layers drawing in wrong order
- Fix for Maptiler redrawing on every data change
- Fix for ArcGIS feature layer line transparency not applying
- Fix to stop invalid H3 cell indexes preventing all H3 cells being rendered.
| | August 2024 | - Added support for basic authentication for WMS reference layers
- Added custom parameter option to WMS reference layers
- Added support for token based authentication sent via HTTP header in WMS reference layers
- Fix for ArcGIS reference layers not rendering
| | August 2024 | ArcGIS Authentication- Support for ArcGIS Enterprise (experimental).
- OAuth2 Authentication for ArcGIS with client ID and secret.
- Added support for username and password authentication for ArcGIS
Background Maps- Support for custom ArcGIS basemaps.
Data Layers- Added support for data-bound ArcGIS vector tile layers.
- Added ability to use GeoJSON files hosted in ArcGIS.
- Added ability to add multiple ArcGIS feature layers
- Added drill-down capability to ArcGIS feature layers
- Added ability to specify a SQL WHERE clause to ArcGIS feature layer requests
- ArcGIS feature layer overlays now use ArcGIS symbology. Data-bound feature layers have formatting option to use ArcGIS symbology.
- Added ability to surface a specific property from an ArcGIS feature to add it to a Power BI tooltip.
- Added ability to specify Z-Index for data-bound ArcGIS feature layers.
- Improved data-bound ArcGIS interactivity when selecting features.
- Performance improvement for data-bound ArcGIS feature layers.
Reference Layers- Added ability to add SQL WHERE clause to an ArcGIS feature layer
- Added ability to filter ArcGIS hosted WMS reference layers dynamically using Power BI conditional formatting, using layerDefs or Query filters
- Added ability to specify ArcGIS token for ArcGIS hosted WMS layers
Overlays- Significantly increased rendering performance with GeoJSON / Shapefile / KML reference layers with WebGL rendering (optional)
- Updated reference labels. Formatting settings have changed but can now display 10000s of labels without impacting performance (with WebGL rendering - optional)
- Added support for providing apikey or token authentication for WMS layers
Data Layers- Replaced Match Specific Property toggle and textbox with a dropdown containing property names for data-bound GeoJSON layers
- Added ability to set gradient colors on heatmap layers
- Added ability to set Z-Index on heatmap layers
- Added new Heatmap Weight field for heatmap layers
- Fixed bug with conditional formatting on vector tiles.
- Fixed bug where right click menus were obscured on vector tile layers and ArcGIS feature layers.
Other Features and Fixes- Added ability to drop files and made button more obvious for file upload capabilities.
- File metadata shown as file is uploaded.
- Fix for shapefiles geoJSON files with null geometry erroring on upload.
- Added support for TopoJSON files.
- Added GeoJSON processing status messages
- Added error message if no data fields configured.
- Fix for min and max zoom settings not allowing negative values for image backgrounds.
- Fixed bug preventing geoJSON / shapefile layers displaying when labels were enabled.
- Updated to Power BI Visuals API 5.10.0 (Requires June 2024 version of Power BI Desktop)
| | August 2024 | - Ability to add multiple data-bound geojson/kml/shapefiles from URLs or uploaded files to the same map and apply different configuration and formatting options to each - including the ability to determine which are visible via conditional formatting and therefore a Power BI data value or slicer. (new maps only)
- Added ability to add multiple reference layers from ArcGIS and format the layers independently
- Improved the tooltip functionality for ArcGIS reference layers
- Added ability to set data-bound vector tile URLs using conditional formatting.
- Added the ability to add multiple WMS overlay layers with each layer configurable via conditional formatting, including its visibility.
- Added ability to add multiple raster reference layers, set the URLs and visibility with conditional formatting.
- Added option to enable animation for zooming and panning around the map when data is sliced or drilled down.
- Added ability to configure circle radius for data-bound vector tile layers with point data.
- Added ability to specify the zoom levels where layers are visible to data-bound vector tile layers, circles, images, H3, geoJSON data-bound layers, WKT/GeoJSON, map labels, lines, GeoJSON / KML / Shapefile reference layers, WMS overlays
- Added ability to allow data-bound vector tile data to be shown at more detailed zoom levels when zooming to a level were tiles do not exist
- Added ability to specify specific layers to display from data-bound vector tile layers
- Added ability to specify multiple GeoJson / KML / Shapefile reference layers.
- Improved data-bound vector tile performance.
- Added ability to add multiple data-bound vector tile layers
- Added ability to set vector tile layer URL using conditional formatting
- Improvements made to make resizing the visual easier.
- Added new control to show current zoom level
- Fixed bug preventing GeoJSON files from being imported with a CRS84 property.
- Fixed bug preventing conditional formatting of setting a WMS overlay URL from applying.
- Fixed bug where some conditional formatting settings on lines were not applying
| | July 2024 | - Added support for images as backgrounds with simple XY coordinates to enable scenarios such as indoor floor plans
- Added support for CQL filters and specifying styles in WMS overlays
- Added z-index on additional data layers to allow specific ordering of more layers
- Added ability to use Power BI conditional formatting instead of range formatting for H3 cells when specified by H3 index
- Minor tweaks to landing page
- Improved tolerance for invalid WKT
- Increased WKT performance
- Added ability to draw symbols/text on lines and WKT linestrings
- Added ability to animate dash on lines and WKT linestrings to indicate direction
- Added ability to show reference labels to GeoJSON/Shapefile/KML reference layers
- Fixed bug preventing circles displayed when Include in Autozoom set to No
- Fixed bug where circles were not removed when no longer any in data
- Fixed bug where setting Selectable to No on Shape files didn't take effect
- Updated logo in AppSource (will arrive before v1.0.0.3 is available)
| | July 2024 | - Bug fix for geoJSON shapes not being matched when the property is numeric
- Added ability to convert markers to circles for GeoJSON data layers
- Added close button on popup warning message
- Added ability to specify color threshold values for H3 cells
- Bug fix for Mapbox vector layers using globe projection instead of mercator
- Added splitting of H3 cells that cross the antemeridian
- Added ability to specify WMS overlay URL and layer name with a DAX expression
- Added support for alternative coordinate systems for circles, lines, heatmap, h3 cells, images, WKT and GeoJSON objects from data and uploaded GeoJSON files where EPSG specified
- Improved support for geometry collections in GeoJSON files.
| | June 2024 | Minor improvements for AppSource integration | | June 2024 | Initial Release |